Abstract Submission

Summary Preparation Guide

Prepared abstracts should not exceed one page. In each summary, the subject and problem, the purpose and importance of the research, the methods used in the research, data collection techniques and the findings should be mentioned. Upload the summary to the system from the Online Registration tab.

Full-text articles must be uploaded via the PAMS system after the congress, by registering to one of the Records of Agricultural Food Chemistry or Journal of Chemical Metrology journals, in accordance with the scope of the study, at http://www.acgpubs.org/sign-up. The full-text articles should be sent with the participation certificates after the congress and the authors should apply journal writing rules. Papers that pass the reviewer evaluation will be published as full-text articles in related journals.

Please CLICK for Sample Abstract Text.

Please upload your abstract prepared in the sample text to the system.

Poster Preparation Rules

The size of the posters should be 70 cm (width) x 100 cm (height).

The font size should be large enough to be read from a distance of 1 m.

The names of the authors should be written under the abstract title and the name of the person who will present the summary should be underlined.

Poster abstracts, Poster Presentations and short oral presentations will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee.

The first three of the ten successful posters will be awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes. Awards will be presented at the closing ceremony.

Short oral presentations are a new presentation technique that has been started to be applied in many international congresses. Presentations to be made in this way will be exhibited as “posters” during poster hours, discussed with the audience, and will be presented orally in a time period determined by the congress. These presentations will be given an “oral presentation document”. Short oral presentation time will be announced later.

A significant number of participation is expected from both academia and industry. For this reason, the congress will not only provide a good promotion opportunity for academic research with innovative ideas for the food industry, but also create a suitable environment for the development of joint projects between the university and the food industry. However, such posters should be prepared in an easily understandable visual form.

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